2005-present (italy/austria/slovakia/germany/brazil)
beloved ones project
Beloved Ones is an multidisciplinary artwork focused on memory, migration, roots analysed through art perpective. The artist will explore his ancestors’ birthplace towns, and through this work he creates an intimate link between his own subjective experience and other’s perception. Travelling to the 4 towns of his 4 ancestors, through the places and interacting with the people, researching and also collecting people’s testimonies, images, material, maps, photos, documents, immigrant documents but also identity and lost memory research.
flux one_ beloved ones #1 bratislava / slovakia /////////// hit gallery
curated by lýdia pribišová > 6th August to 24th September 2013
works_flux one (video document)
BELOVED ONES video #01
Estórias que só existem quando lembradas Stories that only exist when remembered Video projection, color, 20’, 1987-2013
BELOVED ONES memo files
A4 memo files, print onto paper, 297 x 210 mm, 2013
BELOVED ONES video #02
diary of a farewell diario di un addio abshieds tagebuch diário de um adeus denník zbohom diary of a búcsú dnevnik oproštaju video projection, color, 5’09”, 2011-2013
BELOVED ONES video #03 flux 01
Video, stop motion, color, 2’, 2013
BELOVED ONES #04 Sisters
Video, color, 2’, 2013
BELOVED ONES video #05 Maasz
Video, color, 4’, 2013
BELOVED ONES video #06
1700’s brick, envelope.
BELOVED ONES video #07 performance
there is a future in our past
video projection, color, 4’15”, 2013
upcoming research:
flux two_ beloved ones #2 veneto/italy ///////// forthcoming
flux three_ beloved ones #3 abruzzo / italy/ ///////// forthcoming
flux four_ beloved ones #4 são paulo / brazil ///////// forthcoming